Source code for ali.util.er2

import os
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import sasktran as sk
from skretrieval.util import rotation_matrix
from skretrieval.core import OpticalGeometry

[docs] def load_er2_data(flight, folder=r'C:\Users\lar555\Documents\ACCP\ER2\telemetry', resample='400ms', load=True): """ Load the IWG1 data for a flight into a xarray.Dataset. Parameters ---------- flight: Name of the flight used in the IWG1 file folder: directory where the file is stored resample: If set data will be resampled to this resolution load: If true the resampled file will be loaded if it exists Returns ------- xarray.Dataset containing the IWG1 data """ if load: try: data_lores = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(folder, f'IWG1.{flight}_{resample}.nc')) return data_lores except FileNotFoundError: load = False data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(folder, f'IWG1.{flight}.txt'), index_col=0, usecols=[1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 14, 16, 17], names=['time', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'altitude', 'speed', 'heading', 'track', 'pitch_angle', 'roll_angle'], parse_dates=True, skiprows=11863).to_xarray().sortby('time') data = data.where(np.isfinite(data.latitude) & np.isfinite(data.roll_angle), drop=True) data_lores = data.resample(time=resample).mean() data_lores.to_netcdf(os.path.join(folder, f'IWG1.{flight}_{resample}.nc')) return data_lores
[docs] def er2_orientation(er2, instrument_pitch_deg=0.0, instrument_yaw_deg=0.0, instrument_roll_deg=0.0): """ Calculate the `OpticalGeometry` used in Sasktran from an IWG1 point Parameters ---------- er2: xr.Dataset Containing a single time and at least attributes: ['longitude', 'latitude', 'altitude', 'heading', 'pitch', 'roll', 'time'] instrument_pitch_deg: [Optional] Pitch angle in degrees of the instrument relative to teh aircraft instrument_yaw_deg: [Optional] Yaw angle in degrees of the instrument relative to teh aircraft instrument_roll_deg: [Optional] Roll angle in degrees of the instrument relative to teh aircraft Returns ------- LookGeometry """ try: geo = sk.Geodetic() geo.from_lat_lon_alt(float(er2.latitude.values), float(er2.longitude.values), float(er2.altitude.values)) pos = geo.location north = -geo.local_south # create frame along heading direction up = geo.local_up look = north @ rotation_matrix(up, (float(er2.heading.values) + instrument_yaw_deg) * np.pi / 180) hor = np.cross(look, up) # rotate frame by pitch angle look = look @ rotation_matrix(hor, -(float(er2.pitch_angle.values) + instrument_pitch_deg) * np.pi / 180) up = up @ rotation_matrix(hor, -(float(er2.pitch_angle.values) + instrument_pitch_deg) * np.pi / 180) # rotate frame by roll angle up = up @ rotation_matrix(look, -(float(er2.roll_angle.values) + instrument_roll_deg) * np.pi / 180) return OpticalGeometry(observer=pos, look_vector=look, local_up=up, mjd=(er2.time.values - np.datetime64('1858-11-17')) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D')) except Exception as e: print(e) return None